
Monday, December 12, 2016

final 2016 blog post

hi  there blogging world,

thank you for coming to visit my learning blog.this will be my last post because I am going on holiday.I have enjoyed using this blog to share my learning with you all.I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning too.

blog you later

Kieren M

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Novel study

For the last months we have been doing a novel study on our books,Mine was The Borrowers.We did a novel study because we can share with people who haven't read it.we also encourage people to read it.This is my novel study I hope you like it.

Hats for Production

Last month We made a google drawing on the Thinking hats.We did it on our Production for our teachers.We finished this drawing today.



For the past weeks me and my friend Max were making toys for inquiry.We have been learning about mechanisms.We came up with a Slingshot.Slingshots have mechanisms because the power that we pull on it gives more speed and distance.

We also made a velcro target to go with our velcro balls so they can stick to the target.The slingshot is quite safe and is fun too.

Now that we made this toy I feel happy because me and Max finally made something together.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

senior syndicate birth locations

How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS?

Some students are 8,000 kilo metres.

Why do people make the choice to move to different countries?

For the scenery and for a good future.

Is this a trend in NZ society? What does the media tell us?

That a lot of people are buyying houses.

We also watched a video that shocked me because 10 yr old students are getting treated in unacceptable ways from racism to sexism watch this inspirational video made from kids.

Monday, October 10, 2016

What Would You Do?

This week for Cyber smart we were looking at under aged kids on social media.we talked and said who is under age in our class so we came came up with.
I would tell an adult then ask how I can solve the problem.If he doesn't want to solve the problem and still abuses me then I would leave the game or report him.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tri star Gymnastics

This term we started gymnastics we were lucky to have Kane and Kylie come to our school hall every Wednesday.We did it for our kiwi sport for the term.We do it in two rotations as we get called 1 and 2.My favourite parts were the games at the start when we played cool games at the start like Octopus and Gymnastics tag.My next step is to work on rotation and stretches because it can help me with playing rugby or softball by running or with my strength.

Monday, September 12, 2016

joiner art

A couple of days ago we have been working on joiners joiners are a collage of photos mashed together to make an even bigger photo.We were inspired by David Hockney.We put the joiners into our school art festival.All the students had art in there.The art was put into our school hall.Also room 8 was the only class to make joiners.This is a slide that shows you how to make a joiner.feel free to leave a comment as that will help me out a lot.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Cyber smart

today for cyber smart we learn't how to improve blog comments.we saw pretty good comments but they were not excellent.Some were not the same and some were.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Padlet commenting ideas

Today we were doing a Padlet on what makes a quality blog comment.We watched some videos from USA and NZ to help us with a good blog post.The hardest part was thinking of a DLO (digatal learning object).We should use the ideas from below to make a good blog comment.Remember you shouldn't do a silly blog comment because it will stay on the internet for ever.Feel free to leave a comment below.

       Created with Padlet

Friday, July 8, 2016

Football Zones.

My favourite part of term 2 was football because me and my friends represented Waikowhai in it.It was a lot of fun because I was playing with my friends in the tournament.We won in our division.We were lucky we didn't play three kings because they are a tough team to beat. There were 30 players who represented Waikowhai.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Before and after blog treaty

I did a before and after on my Blog treaty the treaty didn't change it self but I changed its size and I added more was cool seeing how I can improve it more by size and font

My blog Treaty

Today I did cyber smart.We made a blog treaty to remember the rules of a blog post.Check out my ideas.Please leave a comment.

''this is a treaty for my Blog.I cant justpost because it might be learning the ways of a blog.afterknowing the blog i can post by myself''

Monday, May 16, 2016